Construction of Correctional Center

Place: Hajvali-Pristina
Name of the contracting authority:
Ministry of Public Administration
The total value of the project:
6,339,831.14 € with annex contract
Number of staff engaged for this project:
For the execution and completion of all works for this project
approximately 180 people were engaged.
Start of Project / End of Project:
October 2013/November 2016

Project Description:
Hajvali – Pristina Detention Center includes the following facilities complex:
The Pavilion building (Pavilion 1 with -B + P + 2 storey,
Pavilion 2 with S + P + 1 storey).
Administration Building (P + 1). Visit Object (P + 0).
Entrance Gate Arrangement (P + 0). Obstacle – Release and Control Facility (P + 1)
Energy and Heating Facility (P + 0).
Observing Towers at Location 7.
Surrounding wall by concrete weapons surrounding the Detention Center with Hmes =6.5 m’ and length L=740 m’.

The location of the QPP-së includes the promenades for pre-detainees, sports grounds, asphalted roads and green spaces foreseen under the project.